• CALL for abstract _ AACHEN-DRESDEN-DENKENDORF textile conference 2018

    13 December 2017

    We cordially invite you, the experts from the fields of Textile Technology - Chemistry and Engineering, Medical Technology, Membrane Technology and Fibre Composites

    to submit abstracts for talks and poster presentations. Your abstract should address one of the following topics:


      • Comfort and Luxur
      • Textiles for Medicine and Health Car
      • Electrofunctionality and Sensor
      • High-Performance Material
      • Fiber technology

    Deadline abstract submission for oral presentations: February 15, 2018

    Deadline abstract submission for poster presentations: August 31, 2018


    Further information and templates can be found on our website http://www.aachen-dresden-denkendorf.de/en/itc/


  • CALL contributions TensiNews 34

    1 December 2017

    We invite our TensiNet members to submit for the next TensiNews issue an article, project description, upcoming event, new development, research report or book review.

    Send your contribution to evi.corne@vub.be. Deadline end of January 2018.



  • Plastique Fantastique - Platform for temporary architecture

    29 November 2017

    Plastique Fantastique is a platform for temporary architecture which samples the performative possibilities of urban environments. Established in Berlin in 1999, Plastique Fantastique has been influenced by the unique circumstances that made the city a laboratory for temporary spaces and has specialised in creating pneumatic installations as alternative, adaptable, low energy spaces for temporary and ephemeral activities.
    The transparent, lightweight and mobile shell structures relate to the notion of activating, creating and sharing public space and involving citizens in creative processes. They are in many ways the simplest of structures – a skin that separates but also connects. The result is a site specific installation that breathes new life into the city and makes the invisible visible.

    At present Plastique Fantastique develops project-oriented teams to realise a wide range of projects worldwide, depending on the specific request.

    See http://www.plastique-fantastique.de/Plastique-Fantastique


    Installation "DER BANDWURM - I AM A PROBLEM"
    Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt
    23 September 2017 — 18 February 2018

    See http://www.plastique-fantastique.de/DER-BANDWURM



  • Saint-Gobain announces the publication of the first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for a PTFE coated architectural membrane - SHEERFILL II.

    27 October 2017

    An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a comprehensive, internationally-harmonized report that documents the ways in which a product, throughout its lifecycle, affects the environment.

    As the global leader in strong long-lasting architectural membranes, SHEERFILL has always been committed to working towards sustainability. As a result of our commitment, SHEERFILL is the only PTFE coated architectural membrane that is Energy Star and Cool Roof Rated.

    “Our company is committed to producing materials that meet the highest levels of both performance and sustainability. The release of this document allows us to be transparent with SHEERFILL users and project owners about the products they are using so that they, too, can reach their sustainability and quality goals,” Michael Lussier, Global Market Leader for SHEERFILL said.

    Time and time again, real-life use has shown that SHEERFILL Architectural Membrane provides up to 25 years or more of reliable service. The first installation of SHEERFILL II has been in continuous use, since 1973, at the University of La Verne.

    SHEERFILL II is manufactured by Saint-Gobain, one of the world’s largest building materials company.




    13 September 2017

    This year the 14th edition of the student competition “Textile Structures for New Building” took place. The competition received many entries. Most contributions were inspiring, looking at functionalities from a fresh perspective, re-interpreting, showing creativity, changing the scale, integrating light, sound, new ideas for processes or methodologies, or showing refined poetic finishing. It was a pleasure to go through the well documented projects, varying from aesthetic inflated halls or improved living spaces for refugee camps to adaptable lightweight skins or panels integrating bending active elements, creating soft furniture systems, knitting or weaving wet concrete, wrapping wet threads or steering a self-active façade system made of a flexible basalt tissue.

    When evaluating the entries, the jury mainly took into account the following criteria: feasibility, qualitative use of textile materials, level of innovation, aesthetics, ecological quality, resource efficiency, functionality and economic quality.





    13 September 2017

    TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 33 - SEPTEMBER 2017 -  Price 15€ (port incl)




  • Consistency of the database

    9 August 2017

    The database has been created to make the description of built projects widely available. If you detect any inconsistency, please inform Marijke.Mollaert@vub.ac.be


  • The new website

    9 August 2017

    The new website is on-line. Comments can be sent to marijke.mollaert@vub.ac.be or evi.corne@vub.ac.be.
