Members of Tensinet
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
School, University
Academic institutions
Individual member
Academic institutions
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
School, University
Academic institutions
Individual member
Academic institutions
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Steelwork and Ropes
School, University
Academic institutions
Individual member
Academic institutions
Architecture and engineering offices
Manufacturer and fabricator
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Software Companies and Products
Architecture and engineering offices
form TL ingenieure für tragwerk und leichtbau GmbH (Stimpfle, Bernd) - Germany |
Manufacturer and fabricator
Architen Landrell (Richardson, Amy) - United Kingdom |
Vector Foiltec GmbH (Maywald, Carl) - Germany |
ASMA GERME (DANSIK, Fevzi) - Turkey |
Sefar AG (Meissner, Matthias) - Switzerland |
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Mehler Texnologies GmbH (Bernert, Katja) - Germany |
Sioen Industries (durka, maxime) - Belgium |
Serge Ferrari Group (Devecioglu, Murat) - France |
Steelwork and Ropes
PFEIFER Structures GmbH (Schloegl, Christian) - Germany |
Software Companies and Products
technet GmbH (Ströbel, Dieter) - Germany |
Softraxa Arquitectura i Software, SL (Sastre, Prof. Dr. Ramon) - Spain |
academus GmbH (Stary, Bernd) - Germany |
Maffeis Engineering Co Consulting (Maffeis, Massimo) - Italy |
Gulf Shade (AL THAWADI, Osama) - Bahrain |
Architecture and engineering offices
Tensys Ltd. (Bown, Adam) - United Kingdom |
Fabric Architecture Solutions (Brennan, Aoife) - United Kingdom |
schlaich bergermann partner (Paech, Christoph) - Germany |
Geiger Engineers (Campbell, David) - United States |
tentum GmbH (Voigt, Harald) - Germany |
büro für leichtbau Tritthardt + Richter (Tritthardt, Jörg) - Germany |
str.ucture GmbH (Lienhard, Julian) - Germany |
3D Structural Design ApS (Nielsen, Knud Hjortflod) - Denmark |
Ney & Partners BXL NV (Ney, Laurent) - Belgium |
sbp sonne gmbh (Balz, Markus) - Germany |
Tensotech Consulting (Orpana, Matti) - Spain |
Tentech B.V. (Houtman, Rogier) - Netherlands, The |
Manufacturer and fabricator
Van der Werff BV (Bierens, Ad) - Netherlands, The |
A. Arnegger GmbH (Arnegger, Andreas) - Germany |
Dunn Lightweight LLC (villasenor, andres) - United States |
ITF Technical Fabrics GmbH (Rief-Mentil, Barbara) - Germany |
CARPAS ZARAGOZA, S.L.U. (Angulo, Carlos) - Spain |
Wen's Phoenix Corp. (WEN, CHIH-JEN) - Taiwan |
Lightweight Manufacturing (Cos, Dirk) - United States |
IASO,S.L. (Reitsma, Feike) - Spain |
Teloni Poletti srl (Poletti, Floriano) - Italy |
se-cover (Müller, Gabriele) - Germany |
NOVUM Membranes GmbH (Noatzsch, Mathias) - Germany |
Taiyo Europe GmbH (Chivante, Mauricio) - Germany |
HP Gasser AG - Membranbau (Vogler, Ruedi) - Switzerland |
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
AGC Chemicals Europe (Runhaar, Ben) - Netherlands, The |
Intertape Polymer Group (van den Boom, Edgar) - Netherlands, The |
Sattler PRO-TEX GmbH (Rigato, Fabio) - Austria |
Guarniflon Spa (Marcato, Massimo) - Italy |
Chukoh Chemical Industries,Ltd. (Tamura, Shigenori) - Japan |
Forsstrom High Frequency AB (Wallin, Mikael) - Sweden |
Steelwork and Ropes
Redaelli (Ward, David) - Italy |
School, University
Academic institutions
Politecnico di Milano (ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA) - Italy |
Delft University of Technology (Borgart, Andrew) - Netherlands, The |
Technical University of Munich (Goldbach, Ann-Kathrin) - Germany |
Technical University Eindhoven (Habraken, Arjan) - Netherlands, The |
Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology, TU Dresden (Cherif, Chokri) - Germany |
FH Aachen (Rottke, Evelin) - Germany |
University of Innsbruck (Univ. Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr. FILZ M.Eng., Günther H.) - Austria |
HFT Stuttgart (Cremers, Jan) - Germany |
Nantes Université (THOMAS, Jean-Christophe) - France |
School of Architecture (LLORENS, Josep) - Spain |
Rice University (Castellon, Juan Jose) - United States |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (De Laet, Lars) - Belgium |
AdviesTA (Mollaert, Marijke M.) - Belgium |
University of Duisburg-Essen (Stranghoener, Natalie) - Germany |
The University of Nottingham (Beccarelli, Paolo) - United Kingdom |
University of Newcastle (Gosling, Peter) - United Kingdom |
Block Research Group, ETH Zurich (Block, Philippe) - Switzerland |
Universitat Politècnica Catalunya (Sastre, Ramon) - Spain |
IMS Bauhaus® Archineer® Institutes e.V. (Off, Robert) - Germany |
KIT-Karlruher Institut für Technologie (Wagner, Rosemarie) - Germany |
IMS BAUHAUS® Archineer® Institutes e.V. (von der Weth, Sarah) - Germany |
University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (TANEV, Vatyu) - Bulgaria |
Individual member
Vanquaille, Amandus - Belgium |
Els, De Brandt - Belgium |
de Groen, Emma - Netherlands, The |
Piantato, Giorgio - Italy |
Fernandes Abrantes, Joao - Portugal |
Vyncke, Johan - Belgium |
Riesz, Johann - France |
Studsgaard, Johnny - Denmark |
REINSCH, Kim - Germany |
Taylor, Michael - United Kingdom |
JARNIER, Michel - France |
De Vries, Rienk - Netherlands, The |
Ilderton, Rodney - South Africa |
Scheuermann, Rudi - Germany |
Enos, Rudi - United Kingdom |
Danusso, Saba Prekdiana - Germany |
Academic institutions
Smaili, Ali - Saudi Arabia |
Bridgens, Ben - United Kingdom |
Monticelli, Carol - Italy |
Corne, Evi - Belgium |
Della Corte, Gaetano - Italy |
Novati, Giorgio - Italy |
Bögner-Balz, Heidrun - Germany |
Flor, Jan-Frederik - Malaysia |
Chilton, John - United Kingdom |
Uhlemann, Jörg - Germany |
Monjo-Carrió, Juan - Spain |
Moritz, Karsten - Germany |
Pyl, Lincy - Belgium |
Rychtarikova, Monika - Belgium |
Tarczewski, Romuald - Poland |
account, Student - United Kingdom |
Krishnan, Sudarshan - United States |
Eryuruk, Zehra - Belgium |
Architecture and engineering offices
Cabello, Adrian - United Kingdom |
Behrmann, Alena - Germany |
Michalski, Alexander - Germany |
Barillas Nova, Alfredo - Germany |
Baumann, Andreas - Germany |
Kowal, Andrzej - Poland |
Barton, Bob - United Kingdom |
Kirsten, Clive - Hong Kong |
Gullis, David - Australia |
Haug, Eberhard - France |
Casserly, Eoin - Ireland |
van Oostveen, Esmee - Netherlands, The |
Weller, Florian - Germany |
Moresco, Giancarlo - Italy |
Gallagher, James - Canada |
Jeschke, Jan - Germany |
Schäffer, Michael - Germany |
Suire, Olivier - France |
Cambiaggio, Roberto - Italy |
Lavelle, Sean - United Kingdom |
leiva, sergio - Germany |
Bringmann, Stev - Germany |
Runza, Walter - Argentina |
Manufacturer and fabricator
Fiorenzi, Alberto - Italy |
Sonnenberg, Alexandra - Austria |
Rowell, Christopher - United Kingdom |
Jeong, EulSeok - Japan |
Vander Laenen, Frédéric - Belgium |
García-Lastra Zorrilla, Juan - Spain |
Tosolini, Luca - Italy |
Şahin, Meltem - Turkey |
BA AFIF, MOHAMMED - Saudi Arabia |
Aydın, Osman - Turkey |
Romain, Paul - United Kingdom |
AERTS, STEVE - Belgium |
Javier, Tejera Parra - Spain |
Toepfer, Thomas - Germany |
Hermeking, Thomas - Germany |
Balster, Torsten - Germany |
KAM, wei yao, danny - Hong Kong |
Material producer, Coater and Weaver
Groenendaal, Bert - Belgium |
SAHNOUNE, Farid - France |
Leuer, Henric - Germany |
Giugliano, Paolo - Germany |
Siemens, Peter - Germany |
Wiegard, Steffen - Germany |
Elalem, Youness - Morocco |
Software Companies and Products
Askwith, Andrew - United States |
Holl, Jürgen - Germany |
Gimferrer-Vilaplana, Xavier - Spain |