Working Groups 
TensiNet has launched several Working Groups. Each Working Group focuses on a specific topic and is responsible for its operation. During the General Assembly each WG leader reports about objectives and progress.


WG analysis & materials 
Leader: Peter Gosling
Mission: The driver behind this WG is the linking together of testing and analysis, such that each are supportive and inform each other, rather than being considered independently as is generally the current practice. Several Round Robin exercises were launched.

Leader: Rogier Houtman 
Mission:The aim of this WG is to write specific design recommendations for ETFE foil structures. Current design recommendations are compiled in the publication of Appendix A5 of the European Design Guide for Surface Tensile Structures. 
Parts of the content have been used for the ETFE part in the SaP report (see WG Specifications and Eurocode). Also a first proposal to combine the different design strategies mentioned in Appendix A5 is formulated and included in the SaP report.
Next steps are to gain support and common understanding of the industrial parties involved in the ETFE business to come to an applicable design approach that shall become part of the Eurocode for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane Structures.
The Japanese code on ETFE foil is being reviewed and compared with the current Appendix A5.
Publication: Design recommendations for ETFE foil structures - Appendix A5 of European Design Guide for Surface Tensile Structures (2013)


WG SUSTAINABILITY & COMFORT - Call for participation
Leader: Carol Monticelli
Mission: The aim of this WG is to update the current status on membrane materials (indoor and outdoor) and typical membrane structures with regard to sustainability and comfort issues, that can be used as a key evaluation criterion in the objectification of the discussion on membrane materials (social use, social needs, cultural acceptability together with thermal, acoustic, eco-efficiency aspects), involving companies and designers.

With the shift of the future activities back to TensiNet after finishing the COST action TU1303, this would extend and broaden the focus of the WG but still include LCA as a key topic of sustainability.

A stronger bridge towards the design of membrane structures basing and interlacing the strategies doing more with less (materials), time based design (life span and durability), cloosing the loops (material production and reuse and recycling) is considered.

The intention is the attraction of more players from the industry, from design and engineering firms to join the group (involving them to make concrete sustainable good practices).

Following activities:

- Exchange and comparison of the own actions, looking on each member’s ongoing activity related with eco-efficiency, thermal and optical insulation, acoustic, renewable energies integrations (at the different scales).

- On the need of harmonization of the research about the availability of LCA data for membranes and on the basis of the collected information, a first set of eco-design principles for membranes structures has to be discussed, together with the hypothesis of a new sustainable design guide are also discussed.


WG Pneumatic structures 
Leader: Jean-Christophe Thomas
Mission: The aim of this WG is to promote Pneumatic Structures through the recommendation of best practise ‐ which will hopefully improve standards, reliability, reputation and open up new markets to this form of construction. It is the intention of the WG to publish in the near future the Design recommendations for pneumatic structures - Appendix A6 of European Design Guide for Surface Tensile Structures.


WG Specifications and EUROCODE 
Leader: Marijke Mollaert
Mission: The aim of this WG is to develop Technical Specifications for the Design of Membrane Structures. Finally the objective is to establish common standardised design procedures and provide a Eurocode for Membranes structures which is of utmost value to achieve a harmonized safety level.
The WG developed ‘best practice’ technical recommendations for the Design of Membrane Structures in the form of a ‘Science and Policy Report’ (SaP).
Within CEN/TC 250/WG 5, CEN/TC 248/WG 4, the TensiNet Association and COST Action TU1303, an international team of researchers, engineers, architects, material producers and manufacturers work on the Technical Specifications and provide background information in support of the implementation and development of a future Eurocode for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane Structures. The Eurocode will not only assist and support the industry and engineering offices but will also encourage potential clients to choose these sustainable type of construction.
Publication SaP-Report: This background document consists of three major parts: (a) general explanations giving scientific and technical background for the design of membrane structures, (b) state-of-the-art overview on existing national and European rules and recommendations on the design of membrane structures, and (c) proposals for European harmonized design rules, which could be part of the future Eurocode for Tensile Membrane Structures. If interested, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


WG  Specifications GOOD PRACTICE
Leader: Heidrun Bögner-Balz 
Mission: This WG established a quality standard in the manner of “good practice rules”. Rules for each branch (Membrane Material Producer, Raw Material Producer, Membrane Manufacturer, Designers/ Engineers, Architects, Testing Laboratories) has been formulated as well as general rules for all involved parties. A quality seal “We follow the standards of good practice approved by the TensiNet Association” have been established. Members can subscribe this Code of Conduct. To subscribe see link

TENSINET Good Practice

The TensiNet Working Groups collaborated closely with the corresponding Working Groups of the COST Action TU1303 Novel Structural Skins (2014-2017).

The Working Groups welcome additional members. If interested to contribute please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..