The TensiNet WG eurocode is involved with the writing of the “Execution of tensioned membrane structures”.Last week the draft has been discussed and updated. A next WG meeting will be held on 17.07.


The Working Group Sustainability & Comfort submitted to IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt) the Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes (fabrics, coated fabrics and foils). It was published beginning of 2024. See link.

The next step is the writing of 2 Environmental Product Declarations (EPD): a group EPD for PVC coated polyester fabric and a group EPD for ETFE-foils. A subgroup EPD for PVC/PES and one for ETFE will be set up for this purpose. The next WG meetings are scheduled on 01.07 and 30.07.

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