• fig 1
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General information

  • Home page
  • Location address
    different locations
  • Location country
    United Kingdom
  • Year of construction
  • Name of the client/building owner
    Flow State Fabric Ltd
  • Function of building
    Entertainment & recreation
  • Climatic zone
    Temperate - cold winters and mild summers
  • Number of layers
  • Type of application of the membrane
  • Primary function of the tensile structure
    • Space defining elements


Built with flexibility at its heart, Lili Pavilion is designed to deployed practically anywhere with minimal impact on the land it sits on. With no foundations and its own integrated drainage system, it offers a versatile and elegant space that can be built within days and then dismantled and stored, ready for your next event.
Lili Pavilion has a self-supporting frame, a strong rigid deck, and a translucent canopy that creates a spacious and airy structure. The pavilion measures 20mx10m and has a height of 4.2m, providing a generous and flexible event space.
The canopy roof structure provides a soft and natural light, while the fabric enclosure can be customized to suit different themes and colours.
The pavilion can function as an oversailing canopy, or it can be fully or partially enclosed with attachable walls and railings. The pavilion is also modular and can be joined together with other units to create a larger under-cover structure.
The pavilion has a UK and EU registered design with patent pending innovations. Rainwater is collected from the canopy and attenuated within a slimline structural deck, removing the need for drainage or foundations. The deck’s integral service zone beneath modular flooring frees up the space for a completely flexible range of functions and layouts.
Lili Pavilion is particularly well suited to sensitive or historic locations, where conventional buildings and structures require groundworks and frequently face delays for permissions and consents. The pavilion can be erected for the desired period of time, from a few days to a few months, and then removed without leaving any trace. This makes Lili Pavilion a cost-effective and sustainable solution for seasonal and temporary use.

Description of the environmental conditions

Material of the cover

  • Cable-net/Fabric/Hybrid/Foil
  • Type (code)
    Serge Ferrari Precontraint 402 Highly Translucent

Main dimensions and form

  • Covered surface (m2)
  • Maximum height (m)
  • Total length (m)
  • Total width (m)

Duration of use

  • Temporary or permanent structure
  • Convertible or mobile
    Convertible and mobile

Involved companies
