• TensiNet at Textile Roofs 2024

    16 May 2024

    TR Logo Beschnitt

    TensiNet was well represented at Textile Roofs 2024, which took place from 28 to 30 April.

    Presentations and workshops took place on the ecofriendly seminar ship. See link


  • TensiNet survey

    15 May 2024

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    Dear TensiNet member,

    As TensiNet approaches its 25th anniversary, it is time to reflect and look ahead!

    We therefore ask our members to complete the survey and return it by e-mail to info@tensinet.com.


    Thank you in advance!


  • TensiNews 46

    15 May 2024

    TensiNews 46 is online!

    Tensinews 46 cover

    For members (login) link, For non-members link

    This TensiNews is again full of interesting contributions. As usual, we find the excellent summary of Structural Membranes in Valencia prepared by Josep Llorens. The results of a PhD thesis on the global warming of membrane structures are presented, a contribution about Tensile Architecture in the todays design environment, and how CFD is implemented in recent software packages. You also find many interesting projects, such as a series of umbrellas in Luxemburg, a stadium in Mallorca and a temporary structure for seasonable use in public places.


  • The Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes

    17 April 2024


    Update from the WG Sustainability & Comfort.

    The Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes (fabrics, coated fabrics and foils) was submitted to IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt) for revision on behalf of the TensiNet Association on 15 February 2023.

    It was published on 5 January 2024! Please find the link!



  • TA in Today's Design Landscape

    2 April 2024

    In addition to their striking appearance, tensile structures are valued for their minimal environmental impact.

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  • Advantages of Membrane Structures

    28 March 2024

    Antwerp The Nomad Concept Copy

    Architects should consider the advantages of Textile Architecture when designing light weight coverings!

    Read more


  • Stay informed

    27 March 2024

    Short texts on Tensile Architecture will be published soon under News/Inspiring!


  • IASS 2024 symposium (26-30.08.2024) REDEFINING THE ART OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN – call for abstracts, deadline 31.12.2023

    10 November 2023

    Next summer IASS 2024 REDEFINING THE ART OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN is hosted by the National Centre of Competence in Research Digital Fabrication (NCCR DFAB) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA) of ETH Zurich. The NCCR DFAB is Switzerland’s initiative to lead the development and integration of digital technologies within the fields of architecture and construction.

    The conference chairs are Philippe BlockJacqueline PauliCatherine De Wolf and Walter Kaufmann. The Block Research Group at ETH Zurich recently became a university member of TensiNet. In the video you can get to know the chairs and get an impression of the beautiful city of Zurich in Switzerland. IASS has several Working Groups of which WG6 “Tension and Membrane Structures” is chaired by Ken'ichi Kawaguchi and Marijke Mollaert.

    We encourage you to write an abstract about an interesting project, research or new product. Abstracts must be submitted online by 23:59 (CEST), Sunday 31.12.2023. See link for more detailed information.


  • PFAS Restriction Proposal - Comments by the TensiNet Association for the Annex XV restriction report

    20 October 2023

    TensiNet's response to the PFAS restriction proposal is available. Link (login)

    If someone receives any information on how the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is analysing/evaluating the situation for PVDF-top-coated PVC-coated polyester membranes, PTFE-coated glass fabrics or ETFE-foils, the WG Sustainability and Comfort would be happy to be informed: carol.monticelli@polimi.it or marijke.mollaert@vub.be.


  • Podcasts Lightweight & durable

    27 September 2023

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    Podcasts by Serge Ferrari Group + TensiNet

    In these podcasts, you'll discover the benefits of tensile architecture, and in particular how tensile structures help to reduce the carbon footprint of construction. Our experts, world-renowned for their expertise in this field, share their thoughts on this fascinating subject. The 4 podcasts were recorded during the symposium TENSINANTES2023 at Nantes Université on Thursday 8th June 2023.


    Carbon Footprint: How lightness could be an advantage in the construction sector compared to other traditional material? Link
    Speakers: Bruce Danziger & Zehra Eryuruk
    Next Generation building through Tensile Architecture. Link
    Speaker: Nitin Govila
    Sustainability and comfort: How does membrane architecture fits today’s challenges in the built environment? Link
    Speakers: Ramon Sastre & Carol Monticelli
    Tensioned membrane structures:  The seventh building material for great construction. Link
    Speakers: Bernd Stimpfle & Peter Gosling
