TensiNet Symposium 2023 at Nantes University
The next TensiNet Symposium 2023 will be organized in collaboration with Nantes University in May or June 2023. The focus will be on Membrane architecture: the seventh established building material. Designing reliable and sustainable structures for the urban environment. The 3 main topics are:
1/ Structural membrane: contemporary, innovative, adaptive daring and impactful solutions
In Jules Verne's hometown, with its focus on innovation and futuristic issues, membrane architecture can provide answers to current problems, especially for ever denser cities and for a world that is always on the move.
2/ Tensioned membrane structures: the seventh building material
Recent advances in the design of membrane structures, development of a Eurocode dedicated to structural membranes: the word membrane must now be part of the daily vocabulary of architects, designers and decision-makers, and the specificities of membrane design must be part of the knowledge of all structural engineers.
3/ Structural membrane: an answer to issues of the 21st century
Lightweight design, well-being, environmental impact, energy and acoustic performance, life cycle of materials and structures, end of life of membrane structures: these keywords are part of the current and future construction challenges and are an important message for the younger generations.

More information will follow in the upcoming months!