   Architecture and engineering offices
   Manufacturer and fabricator
   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
   Steelwork and Ropes
   Software Companies and Products
   Architecture and engineering offices
   Manufacturer and fabricator
   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
   Steelwork and Ropes
School, University
   Academic institutions
Individual member
   Academic institutions
   Architecture and engineering offices
   Manufacturer and fabricator
   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
   Software Companies and Products


   Architecture and engineering offices
 form TL ingenieure für tragwerk und leichtbau GmbH (Stimpfle, Bernd) - Germany

   Manufacturer and fabricator
 Architen Landrell (Richardson, Amy) - United Kingdom
 Vector Foiltec GmbH (Maywald, Carl) - Germany
 ASMA GERME (DANSIK, Fevzi) - Turkey
 Sefar AG (Meissner, Matthias) - Switzerland

   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
 Mehler Texnologies GmbH (Bernert, Katja) - Germany
 Sioen Industries (durka, maxime) - Belgium
 Serge Ferrari Group (Devecioglu, Murat) - France

   Steelwork and Ropes
 PFEIFER Structures GmbH (Schloegl, Christian) - Germany

   Software Companies and Products
 technet GmbH (Ströbel, Dieter) - Germany
 Softraxa Arquitectura i Software, SL (Sastre, Prof. Dr. Ramon) - Spain


 academus GmbH (Stary, Bernd) - Germany
 Maffeis Engineering Co Consulting (Maffeis, Massimo) - Italy
 Gulf Shade (AL THAWADI, Osama) - Bahrain

   Architecture and engineering offices
 Tensys Ltd. (Bown, Adam) - United Kingdom
 Fabric Architecture Solutions (Brennan, Aoife) - United Kingdom
 schlaich bergermann partner (Paech, Christoph) - Germany
  Geiger Engineers (Campbell, David) - United States
 tentum GmbH (Voigt, Harald) - Germany
 büro für leichtbau Tritthardt + Richter (Tritthardt, Jörg) - Germany
 str.ucture GmbH (Lienhard, Julian) - Germany
  3D Structural Design ApS (Nielsen, Knud Hjortflod) - Denmark
 Ney & Partners BXL NV (Ney, Laurent) - Belgium
 sbp sonne gmbh (Balz, Markus) - Germany
 Tensotech Consulting (Orpana, Matti) - Spain
 Tentech B.V. (Houtman, Rogier) - Netherlands, The

   Manufacturer and fabricator
 Van der Werff BV (Bierens, Ad) - Netherlands, The
 A. Arnegger GmbH (Arnegger, Andreas) - Germany
 Dunn Lightweight LLC (villasenor, andres) - United States
 ITF Technical Fabrics GmbH (Rief-Mentil, Barbara) - Germany
 CARPAS ZARAGOZA, S.L.U. (Angulo, Carlos) - Spain
 Wen's Phoenix Corp. (WEN, CHIH-JEN) - Taiwan
 Seaman Integrated Services (Cos, Dirk) - United States
 IASO,S.L. (Reitsma, Feike) - Spain
 Teloni Poletti srl (Poletti, Floriano) - Italy
  se-cover (Müller, Gabriele) - Germany
 Taiyo Europe GmbH (Chivante, Mauricio) - Germany
 HP Gasser AG - Membranbau (Vogler, Ruedi) - Switzerland

   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
 AGC Chemicals Europe (Runhaar, Ben) - Netherlands, The
  Intertape Polymer Group (van den Boom, Edgar) - Netherlands, The
 Sattler PRO-TEX GmbH (Rigato, Fabio) - Austria
 Guarniflon Spa (Marcato, Massimo) - Italy
 Chukoh Chemical Industries,Ltd. (Tamura, Shigenori) - Japan

 Forsstrom High Frequency AB (Wallin, Mikael) - Sweden

   Steelwork and Ropes
 Redaelli (Ward, David) - Italy

School, University

   Academic institutions
 Politecnico di Milano (ZANELLI, ALESSANDRA) - Italy
 Delft University of Technology (Borgart, Andrew) - Netherlands, The
  Technical University of Munich (Goldbach, Ann-Kathrin) - Germany
 Technical University Eindhoven (Habraken, Arjan) - Netherlands, The
 Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology, TU Dresden (Cherif, Chokri) - Germany
  FH Aachen (Rottke, Evelin) - Germany
 University of Innsbruck (Univ. Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr. FILZ M.Eng., Günther H.) - Austria
 HFT Stuttgart (Cremers, Jan) - Germany
 Nantes Université (THOMAS, Jean-Christophe) - France
 School of Architecture (LLORENS, Josep) - Spain
  Rice University (Castellon, Juan Jose) - United States
  Vrije Universiteit Brussel (De Laet, Lars) - Belgium
 AdviesTA (Mollaert, Marijke M.) - Belgium
 University of Duisburg-Essen (Stranghoener, Natalie) - Germany
 The University of Nottingham (Beccarelli, Paolo) - United Kingdom
 University of Newcastle (Gosling, Peter) - United Kingdom
  Block Research Group, ETH Zurich (Block, Philippe) - Switzerland
 Universitat Politècnica Catalunya (Sastre, Ramon) - Spain
 IMS Bauhaus® Archineer® Institutes e.V. (Off, Robert) - Germany
 KIT-Karlruher Institut für Technologie (Wagner, Rosemarie) - Germany
  IMS BAUHAUS® Archineer® Institutes e.V. (von der Weth, Sarah) - Germany
 University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy (TANEV, Vatyu) - Bulgaria

Individual member

  Vanquaille, Amandus - Belgium
  Els, De Brandt - Belgium
  de Groen, Emma - Netherlands, The
  Piantato, Giorgio - Italy
  Vyncke, Johan - Belgium
  Riesz, Johann - France
  Studsgaard, Johnny - Denmark
  REINSCH, Kim - Germany
  JARNIER, Michel - France
  De Vries, Rienk - Netherlands, The
  Ilderton, Rodney - South Africa
  Scheuermann, Rudi - Germany
  Enos, Rudi - United Kingdom
  Danusso, Saba Prekdiana - Germany

   Academic institutions
  Smaili, Ali - Saudi Arabia
  Bridgens, Ben - United Kingdom
  Monticelli, Carol - Italy
  Corne, Evi - Belgium
  Della Corte, Gaetano - Italy
  Novati, Giorgio - Italy
  Bögner-Balz, Heidrun - Germany
  Chilton, John - United Kingdom
  Uhlemann, Jörg - Germany
  Monjo-Carrió, Juan - Spain
  Moritz, Karsten - Germany
  Pyl, Lincy - Belgium
  Rychtarikova, Monika - Belgium
  Tarczewski, Romuald - Poland
  account, Student - United Kingdom
  Krishnan, Sudarshan - United States
  Eryuruk, Zehra - Belgium

   Architecture and engineering offices
  Cabello, Adrian - United Kingdom
  Behrmann, Alena - Germany
  Michalski, Alexander - Germany
  Barillas Nova, Alfredo - Germany
  Kowal, Andrzej - Poland
  Barton, Bob - United Kingdom
  Kirsten, Clive - Hong Kong
  Gullis, David - Australia
  Haug, Eberhard - France
  Casserly, Eoin - Ireland
  van Oostveen, Esmee - Netherlands, The
  Weller, Florian - Germany
  Moresco, Giancarlo - Italy
  Gallagher, James - Canada
  Schäffer, Michael - Germany
  Suire, Olivier - France
  Cambiaggio, Roberto - Italy
  Lavelle, Sean - United Kingdom
  leiva, sergio - Germany
  Bringmann, Stev - Germany
  Runza, Walter - Argentina

   Manufacturer and fabricator
  Fiorenzi, Alberto - Italy
  Sonnenberg, Alexandra - Austria
  Rowell, Christopher - United Kingdom
  Jeong, EulSeok - Japan
  Vander Laenen, Frédéric - Belgium
  García-Lastra Zorrilla, Juan - Spain
  Tosolini, Luca - Italy
  Şahin, Meltem - Turkey
  BA AFIF, MOHAMMED - Saudi Arabia
  Aydın, Osman - Turkey
  Romain, Paul - United Kingdom
  AERTS, STEVE - Belgium
  Javier, Tejera Parra - Spain
  Toepfer, Thomas - Germany
  Hermeking, Thomas - Germany
  Balster, Torsten - Germany
  KAM, wei yao, danny - Hong Kong

   Material producer, Coater and Weaver
  Groenendaal, Bert - Belgium
  SAHNOUNE, Farid - France
  Leuer, Henric - Germany
  Giugliano, Paolo - Germany
  Siemens, Peter - Germany
  Wiegard, Steffen - Germany
  Elalem, Youness - Morocco

   Software Companies and Products
  Askwith, Andrew - United States
  Holl, Jürgen - Germany
  Gimferrer-Vilaplana, Xavier - Spain