• TECHTEXTIL COMPETION for students and young professionals

    20 June 2019


  • TENSINET SYMPOSIUM 2019 – a successful edition

    20 June 2019

    participants in front of pavilion small


  • CALL for contributions TensiNews 37

    19 June 2019

    We invite our TensiNet members to submit for the next TensiNews issue an article, project description, upcoming event, new development, research report or book review.

    Send your contribution to evi.corne@vub.be.

    Deadline Deadline Wednesday 3th July 2019


  • TENSINET SYMPOSIUM 2019 – disseminate our upcoming event 3-5 June

    9 May 2019


    TS19 logo

    The TensiNet Symposium 2019 entitled "Softening the Habitats. Sustainable innovations in minimal structures and light architectures" will be held at the Politecnico di Milano from the 3rd till the 5th of June. It is an occasion to meet international colleagues!

    The conference includes three mornings of plenary sessions with key-lectures by:

    Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen (Center for Informatics and Architecture, KADK, Denmark)

    Neven Sidor (Grimshaw, United Kingdom)

    Christoph Paech (Schlaich Bergemann Partner, Germany)

    Julian Lienhard (str.ucture GmbH, Germany)

    Maibritt Pedersen Zari (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

    Jan Knippers (Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design, Germany)

    Norihide Imagawa (TIS & Partner, Japan)

    and three afternoons of parallel sessions with over sixty contributions selected through blind review by an international scientific committee.

    Together with the conference, an exhibition of posters and prototypes IN.TENSION will be inaugurated, which will be set up on the Leonardo campus from the 3rd till the 15th of June.

    More information is available on the website: http://www.tensinet2019.polimi.it.

    You can register directly at the following link: www.tensinetsymposium2019.promoest.com.


    Link to the flyer https://www.tensinet.com/files/Tensinet_Symposia/Flyer%20TS19%2005.2019.pdf



  • TENSINET SYMPOSIUM 2019 – discount for TensiNet members

    8 April 2019

    TS19 logo

    The upcoming TensiNet Symposium 2019 is approaching!

    The symposium will take place at Politecnico di Milano, from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2019 and its main theme is Softening the Habitats. Sustainable innovation in Minimal Mass Structures and Lightweight Architectures. We propose a twofold reflection by means of the conference and its counterbalance, the IN.TENSION exhibition that will be held from the 3rd to 15th of June 2019.

    More than 60 contributions so far cover a wide spectrum of the three main topics of the 6th TensiNet edition: Soft Structures (June the 3rd), Softening the Environment (June the 4th) and Soft Skin (June the 5th) that are introduced by an inspiring mix of keynote lectures. Confirmed keynote speakers are Christoph Paech (Schlaich Bergemann Partner, Germany); Julian Lienhard (str.ucture GmbH, Germany); Neven Sidor (Grimshaw, UK); Maibritt Pedersen Zari (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand); Norihide Imagawa (TIS&Partner, Japan); Jan Knippers (Institute for Building Structures and Structural Design, Germany) and Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen (Centre for IT and Architecture, KADK, Denmark).

    TensiNet members receive a 20% discount on the registration fee. For details, please visit the official TS19 website www.tensinet2019.polimi.it or contact us by email.

    May we ask you to disseminate our TensiNet symposium to colleagues and friends!

    Looking forward to seeing you all in Milan.


  • TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 36 - April 2019

    8 April 2019

    Enjoy the latest TensiNews 36:

    TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 36 - APRIL 2019 -  Price 15€ (port incl.)

    For non TensiNet members:



    For TensiNet members:




  • 'Textile Structures for New Building' - Techtextil STUDENT COMPETITION - reminder deadline: Register by 24 February 2019

    9 January 2019

    Techtextil Competition

    In 2019, Techtextil – Leading international Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens – is organising the 15th 'Textile Structures for New Building' contest. As in the years before the international association TensiNet is supporting the contest as a sponsor with prize money amounting to € 8,000.

    The competition will be run under the professional and technical supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek, Director of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK), University of Stuttgart. Architonic will medially accompany and support the contest again.

    We cordially invite all students and young professionals (born after 1 March 1990) of architecture and civil engineering, product design, or any other relevant subjects, to apply.

    This competition is designed to identify innovative thinking and innovative solutions to problems, featuring construction projects capable of concrete realisation which use textiles or textile-reinforced materials. A further aim is to encourage students and new entrants to the professions. The competition is intended to strengthen contacts between the younger generation, the technical- textiles industry, the universities and broad sections of the building industry.

    We look forward to a large turnout of students and young professionals who wish to master this fascinating challenge! Deadline: Register by 24 February 2019.

    More info on https://techtextil.messefrankfurt.com/content/dam/messefrankfurt-redaktion/techtextil/2019/downloads/tt-2019-student-competition-invitation.pdf



  • Good Practice - Code of Conduct

    19 December 2018

    Good practice rules

    The aim of the WG Good Practice is to establish a quality standard in the manner of “good practice rules”.


    Rules for each branch (Membrane Material Producer, Raw Material Producer, Membrane Manufacturer, Designers/ Engineers, Architects, Testing Laboratories) has been formulated as well as general rules for all involved parties. See Code of Conduct

    As the rules have been formulated and agreed a quality seal “We follow the approved standards of good practice rules of TensiNet” has been established! Members can subscribe the Code of Conduct. To subscribe see link




    12 December 2018

    Please find the link to the flyer of our upcoming SYMPOSIUM 2019 http://www.tensinet.com/files/Tensinet_Symposia/TS19%20flyer.pdf

