28 October 2022

    Also for this edition the TensiNet Association was well represented at Advanced Building Skins with the lightweight booth, the TensiNet & Friends Meeting, the session on Architectural Membranes for High-performance Building Skins and different presentations on membranes in the session Life Safety and Fire Prevention in Façades and in the session Building a Sustainable World.

    LINK TensiNet & Friends presentation 



  • AMA award 2022 - new deadline 08.11.2022

    28 October 2022

    There is still time to join the AMA Awards! You have until November 8th to submit your candidature for an AMA Award. Don’t miss the chance to be part of the awards were sustainability is the King.

    For AMA Members:

    Category 1 - Product

    Category 2 - Projects

    For non-AMA Members

    Category 3 - Design

    Category 4 - Idea

    Amongst one of the most important changes for this year’s edition and to show AMA’s commitment to research in this area, AMA is granting an economical prize for the winner of the 4thcategory: Idea of the year.


    For more information on the awards go to the AMA Awards webpage and find all related information.


  • TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 43 - OCTOBER 2022

    5 October 2022

    Enjoy the latest TensiNews 43

    TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 43 - OCTOBER 2022 - Price 15€ (port incl.)

    For non TensiNet members - link

    For TensiNet members (login) - link


  • European Training Network ActaReBuild - call to candidate

    14 September 2022

    cropped logoEU flag ActaRebuild

    The European Training Network ActaReBuild – Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Buildings, offers 10 funded doctoral positions with starting date during the academic year 2022/23.

    ActaReBuild provides research and training in retrofit of office building stock in Europe by means a new generation of sustainable materials and building components. Doctoral candidates will learn how to improve and guarantee acoustic and thermal performance of buildings that undergo renovation processes while minimizing embodied carbon production.

    The training offered to 10 Doctoral Candidates interconnected through the network will enforce their research and transferable skills necessary for thriving careers in this burgeoning area. This goal will be achieved by a unique, interdisciplinary combination of specialized “hands-on” research training supported by high-quality joint PhD degree supervision; by performing of secondments at industrial partners; participation at courses and workshops on scientific and complementary “soft” skills facilitated by the academic and non-academic partners of the consortium.

    Thanks to network-wide interactions, DCs will get acquainted with a variety of novel building materials and solutions (bio-, nano-, meta-, recycled, 3D printed materials and multilayer structural skins), measurement techniques and assessment methods (such as life cycle analysis and sustainability assessment, psychoacoustic methods, specialized thermal behaviour experiments and a variety of simulation techniques in acoustics, energy, hygrothermal behaviour).

    We are looking for researchers willing to combine research and professional training, and willing to travel. Candidates must have a master’s degree in a relevant field of study. ActaReBuild network language is English.

    Are you interested?
    please send an email to: info@actarebuild.eu and we will let you know once the vacancies are opened. The recruitment platform will soon be operational!


    More information on Project Partners and PHD topics: see https://actarebuild.eu/  




  • EXTENDED deadline 15th July 2022 - Call for abstract - Symposium TENSINANTES 2023

    15 June 2022

    Interested in giving a lecture at the TENSINANTES 2023 symposium?

    Then submit your one-page abstract! The deadline for submission has been extended to Friday 15th July.

    See https://tensinantes2023.sciencesconf.org/


  • Textile Architecture Fest at the TemporActive Pavilion, Milano

    2 June 2022

    In the framework of the New European Bauhaus Festival the Textile Architecture Fest has been organised. This initiative aims to promote the experimental activities of PhD candidates, post-doc and researchers from the Lab Unit TAN - Textile Architecture Network at Politecnico di Milano, ABC Dept. together with the international network TensiNet’s design and engineering societies, SMEs, Research institutes.

    Meeting point will be the TemporActive Pavilion developed for the TensiNet Symposium “Softening the Habitats” in 2019.

    Different workshops are foreseen on 9th & 10th of June 2022 (18.00till 20.00):

    • WORKSHOP Form Finding of Minimal Surfaces - MINIMAL NATURAL SOAP FILMS
    • WORKSHOP Programmable textiles for 3D printing- BIOMIMETIC TEXTILE SHAPES
    • WORKSHOP Dew and Fog harvesting textiles – CATCHING WATER FROM AIR

    For more information on the event see link


  • Lectures on Textile Architecture at TechTextil - 21.06.2022

    1 June 2022

    During Techtextil 2022, held from 21st till 24th June, interesting lectures will be given at the Techtextil Forum in Hall 9 Level 1 – D80

    The first day will focus on Textile Architecture. Katja Bernert (Mehler Technologies) will present 3 lectures:

    • The AMA Award for Sustainability in Tensile Architecture is scheduled in section Selected/Extraordinary? Trends in Technical Textile Applications  (11:00 - 11:15)
    • Transforming Textiles to Testimonies recycled solutions  for architectural membranes is scheduled in section Architecture (4:30 - 4:45)
    • Travel guide to Textile Architecture (4:45 - 5:00)


  • AMA award 2022

    11 May 2022

    AMA Logo 002

    The competition, which AMA announced in 2021 for the first time, shall reward and honour outstanding contributions to sustainability and conservation of natural resources by awarding particularly good examples of products, projects, design and ideas in the field of lightweight and membrane structures.

    The AMA Award comprises four categories, two of these categories Products and Projects are for AMA members only and the other two Design and Idea for non-members. We want to recognize and reward people and companies having achieved special success on the way to a better future of our planet or firmely intending to do so (ideas).

    Deadline September 9th 2022

    More info on criteria, conditions, process and submission https://www.amaforum.com/ama-awards/

    AMA award 2021 https://www.amaforum.com/ama-awards/2021/




  • Symposium TENSINANTES 2023

    20 April 2022

    We are pleased to announce you the upcoming 7th International TensiNet Symposium "Membrane architecture: the seventh established building material. Designing reliable and sustainable structures for the urban environment" which will take place at Nantes Université (France) in face-to-face! from Wednesday 7th till Friday 9th June 2023. See link announcement TensiNews 42



  • TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 42 - APRIL 2022

    20 April 2022

    Enjoy the latest TensiNews 42

    TensiNews - Newsletter Nr. 42 - APRIL 2022 - Price 15€ (port incl.)

    For non TensiNet members:


    For TensiNet members:


