• Tensinewsflash SUMMER 2024

    28 June 2024

    Dear Member,


    Please find the latest TENSINEWSFLASH SUMMER 2024 including call for contributions TN47; WG activities; etc.

    Enjoy your reading as well as the summer season which promise to be interesting and busy! Link



  • Execution rules for Membrane Structures

    13 June 2024


    To support the conversion of the CEN/TS 19102:2023 Design of tensioned membrane structures into a new EN Eurocode, there is a need for execution rules, to underpin the corresponding design provisions, to be included in a European Standard. Key experts in the design and construction of membrane structures are invited to contribute to the development of these execution rules. See link


  • WG updates

    6 June 2024

    The TensiNet WG eurocode is involved with the writing of the “Execution of tensioned membrane structures”.Last week the draft has been discussed and updated. A next WG meeting will be held on 17.07.


    The Working Group Sustainability & Comfort submitted to IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt) the Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes (fabrics, coated fabrics and foils). It was published beginning of 2024. See link.

    The next step is the writing of 2 Environmental Product Declarations (EPD): a group EPD for PVC coated polyester fabric and a group EPD for ETFE-foils. A subgroup EPD for PVC/PES and one for ETFE will be set up for this purpose. The next WG meetings are scheduled on 01.07 and 30.07.

    Interested to join a WG? Send an email to info@tensinet.com.


  • TensiNet welcomes 2 new Partners!

    16 May 2024

    At the General Assembly, the Permanent Members voted unanimously in favour of Architen Landrell and Pfeifer joining the association as Partner Members!

    Architen Landrell is at the forefront of tensile architecture innovation. They specialise in structural membrane design to create landmark tensile fabric structures and iconic features. With 30 years of experience in the industry, an impressive portfolio of award-winning projects, and a growing list of over 6.000 structures in 48 countries, their track record speaks for itself.

    Architen Landrell was a partner member in the early days, supporting the emergence of Tensinet in the membrane structures industry. Over the years they have worked with TensiNet, the University of Nottingham, the University of Newcastle and, more recently, the University of Bath, to expand their knowledge and improve their practice. They are active in the Working Group Sustainability & Comfort and the Working Group Eurocode and are keen to increase their involvement in the association and to work with all other members to advance their combined knowledge.

    Pfeifer offers solutions for a wide range of applications within the construction, logistics and architecture industries. In the project business they realize innovative building envelopes, roof structures and façade constructions.

    Their expertise is based on decades of experience with cable structures, tension rod systems and membrane covers. As pioneers in the field of lightweight architecture, they can design, supply and install these structures in any material - from steel to wood to membranes, glass or other materials.From movable structures to facades, bridges or roofs, there is always an intelligent way to create a light, resource-efficient, long-lasting and low-maintenance architectural solution.

    Also, Pfeifer has been a Firm member for a long time.

    Interested to become a TensiNet Partner member? A Partner Member decides on the policies and activities of the association. A Partner Membership receives several benefits (highest visibility on the website and publications, free registrations for TensiNet Symposia, etc). If you are a committed Firm member and you would like to discuss and decide on TensiNet's tasks and mission, please send an application to become a partner member to info@tensinet.com.


  • TensiNet at Textile Roofs 2024

    16 May 2024

    TR Logo Beschnitt

    TensiNet was well represented at Textile Roofs 2024, which took place from 28 to 30 April.

    Presentations and workshops took place on the ecofriendly seminar ship. See link


  • TensiNet survey

    15 May 2024

    TENSINET LOGO 25Converted

    Dear TensiNet member,

    As TensiNet approaches its 25th anniversary, it is time to reflect and look ahead!

    We therefore ask our members to complete the survey and return it by e-mail to info@tensinet.com.


    Thank you in advance!


  • TensiNews 46

    15 May 2024

    TensiNews 46 is online!

    Tensinews 46 cover

    For members (login) link, For non-members link

    This TensiNews is again full of interesting contributions. As usual, we find the excellent summary of Structural Membranes in Valencia prepared by Josep Llorens. The results of a PhD thesis on the global warming of membrane structures are presented, a contribution about Tensile Architecture in the todays design environment, and how CFD is implemented in recent software packages. You also find many interesting projects, such as a series of umbrellas in Luxemburg, a stadium in Mallorca and a temporary structure for seasonable use in public places.


  • The Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes

    17 April 2024


    Update from the WG Sustainability & Comfort.

    The Product Category Rules Part B: Requirements on the EPD for structural membranes (fabrics, coated fabrics and foils) was submitted to IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt) for revision on behalf of the TensiNet Association on 15 February 2023.

    It was published on 5 January 2024! Please find the link!



  • TA in Today's Design Landscape

    2 April 2024

    In addition to their striking appearance, tensile structures are valued for their minimal environmental impact.

    stromeyer 20240402 small


  • Advantages of Membrane Structures

    28 March 2024

    Antwerp The Nomad Concept Copy

    Architects should consider the advantages of Textile Architecture when designing light weight coverings!

    Read more
